Vinderne af 2022 Grundfos People Awards blev afsløret ved en prisceremoni i Bjerringbro den 8. september.
CHRO Mirjam Baijens var ceremonimester under prisuddelingen, som også blev besøgt af nogle af de vindere fra 2020 og 2021, som grundet COVID-19 ikke kunne fejres i Danmark. Fonden sponsorerer præmierne med det formål at inspirere Grundfos-medarbejdere over hele verden til at gøre en positiv forskel i deres eget og i andre menneskers liv.
Mød vinderne
Grundfos People Awards stimulerer og anerkender den indsats, medarbejderne hver dag yder både på og uden for arbejdspladsen.
2022 Grundfos Community Engagement Award Prisen gives et Grundfos-selskab for til det bedste lokale community-projekt og anerkender den store velvilje og frivillige indsats som mange Grundfos-medarbejdere yder kloden rundt |
Grundfos Indien for projektet “Assisted employment model in Chennai, India” sammen med Swabodhini – School for Children with Special Needs. En donation på 20.000 EUR gives til skolen, som hermed kan udvide projektet og hjælpe flere med at finde et job.
“The project takes an active role in the community by giving people with special needs a chance to work and develop employable skills, and takes a strong step in building a more inclusive workplace. In the pilot, Grundfos India hired four trainees with special needs through an assisted employment model in partnership with the Swabodhini School for Special Children. In a slow yet progressive way, the trainees are acclimatized to the job, work environment, and acceptance by employees. Two trainees have since been moved to mainstream production where they contribute to many activities.”
![]() Morten Bach Jensen, Divisional CEO of DBS, Krithika Iyer Shivakumar og Ganesh Kumar fra Grundfos India. 2022 Grundfos People Awards. Foto: Lars Holm |
2022 Grundfos Culture Ambassador Award 10,000 EUR divided equally between up to three employees role modelling Grundfos values, Grundfos Key Behaviours: Accountability, Collaboration and Customer Centricity, or other culture specific elements |
Thomas Kvistgaard Krarup: A true role model of the Grundfos values
“Thomas is a very strong representative for a Grundfos that dares to go new ways, offer new solutions and following through with the customers to ensure new territory is captured with success. He demonstrates strong customer centricity and focus on sustainability.” |
Nandhini Manivannan: Transcending Boundaries – India’s first woman shop floor employee
“Nandini shows the highest level of responsibility and accountability. It requires more strength and courage than most of us can imagine doing what she has done. Being a first mover is always tough – Nandhini has taken this on and has become a role model for other employees” |
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Dorte Maach: One of the bastions of Grundfos living culture
“Dorte is consistently taking a high responsibility in all cases she is part of, supporting and organising in a super collaborative manor. She is a great colleague, and she has a long history as a strong cultural ambassador in the organisation. She cares for our company and she always goes the extra mile for colleagues and our customers.” |
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Grundfos Environmental Impact Award Med en pris på 10.000 EUR hylder vi holdet bag et projekt eller initiativ som mærkbart forbedrer Grundfos’ klimaaftryk og har globalt skaleringspotentiale |
Mogens Olesen and Jan B.D. Sørensen for projektet “Energy Optimization in a Box“
“The team has collected best-practice examples from local energy saving initiatives with a significant overall impact on the environmental footprint of our production facilities in Denmark. They have demonstrated and documented substantial savings, combined with ready-to-use financial elements and attractive pay-back times. They furthermore supply information packages and guidance on how this can be implemented outside Denmark on a global scale.”
Grundfos Health, Safety & Well-being Award Med en pris på 10.000 EUR hylder vi holdet bag et initiativ som mærkbart forbedrer Grundfos’ arbejdsmiljø og medarbejdernes velfærd. |
Angelica Hernandez Muñiz and Jacobo Aguilar Torres for projektet “Challenge yourself and grow your health and well-being”
“The Jury would like to thank MXP for the 3 good ideas of which this one was chosen as a winner, since overweight and obesity is an increasing global challenge. We all know the detrimental impacts of obesity both in terms of physical health, diseases etc. but also on a broader well-being agenda. It can be a sensitive matter for the employer to engage in, as many will think this is a personal matter and a personal choice. Yet, many struggle with overweight and may benefit from an employer backed initiative.”
“The Jury thinks it is encouraging to see our San Luis Potosì site engaging based on voluntary participation, and this initiative can bring a lot of positive effects for the employee individually but also for the workplace. Maybe those colleagues that benefited will wish to be ambassadors towards other colleagues, who may have an interest.”
Grundfos Innovation Award 3 x 10.000 EUR gives til en eller flere Grundfos-medarbejdere eller teams, der i årets løb har ydet en helt særlig idérig og innovativ indsats inden for teknisk innovation, forretningsudvikling eller bæredygtighed. |
Sustainability: Jan Plougmann for projektet “ATON”
“Project ‘ATON’ rethinks and leverages existing components into a true DBS HVAC system. It’s a system in-a-box, it’s autonomous and adaptive, it uses the pump as an IOT sensor, it’s easy to commission; but even more valuable, the Jury award ATON as the winner within the Sustainability Category, as it provides real CO2 savings by reducing energy, has potential to decide the most sustainable energy source and use far less materials than conventional component-based installations.”
Technology: Peter Elvekjær og Valeri Kechler for projektet “AI for dosing pumps”
“Grundfos digital dosing pumps are the most advanced in the industry. Applying AI technology into pumps will take digital dosing to next level. With AI, the motor will be used as sensor, thereby removing product complexity and materials, increasing reliability and paving the way for non-electronic digital dosing pumps. This convinced the Jury to award AI for Dosing Pumps first prize within the Technology Category.”
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Grundfos Scholarship Grundfos-medarbejdere har hvert år chancen for at vinde et stipendium til studie- eller uddannelsesaktiviteter, som ligger udenfor hvad en normal udviklingsplan ville kunne rumme inden for en ramme på 30.000 EUR |
Ainur Tashenova (Ungarn): ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) Courses
“A comprehensive application with a holistic approach to Grundfos and a very strong passion for the accounting function. Very well described how the training would serve to improve Grundfos.” |
Bernardo Riaño (Colombia): Specialization in Production and Operations Management
“Dedicated and passionate Grundfos colleague with a strong care for the company and a desire to benefit the local team in Colombia. Improved production techniques will strengthen our position in the market.” |
Ghina Septia Filiana (Indonesien/Danmark): High-Potential Women Leaders Program at Stanford University
“Very passionate application with considerable thoughts behind and clear objective for the future. Ghina has a sincere eagerness and passion to learn, deepen her impact and inspire others.” |
Krisztina Zinkné Balogh (Ungarn): Certificate as a trainer (Grow Group)
“Krisztina is passionate about her job and how to develop further, with a sincere aim to improve her professional training skills, and thus become a better trainer for new and existing colleagues.” |
Natascha Seidel (Tyskland): Bachelor studies in Energy economics and management
“High passion and drive, and a keen interest in Energy. Natascha’s desire to gain knowledge on saving/preserving our natural resources and reducing our climate impact are well connected to Grundfos’ sustainability agenda.” |
Rajesh Kumar Gopalakrishnan (Indien): Digital Manufacturing and Smart Factories with hands-on training “Passionate and motivated application supporting the Digital and Automation journey, which is very relevant for the future development of Grundfos.” |
“Vi bliver alle styrket af at lære fra hinanden og fra alle de gode ideer rundt omkring i Grundfos. Vi modtog mange ansøgninger og det var svært at vælge vinderne ud. Stor tak til alle der har bidraget og tillykke til vinderne,” sagde CHRO Mirjam Baijens ved prisuddelingen.
Blandt tilskuerne var repræsentanter for Fonden, Grundfos’ topledelse, samt nomineringskomitéer og jurymedlemmer. Hovedtalere ved arrangementet var C40’s Sachin Bhoite og Lykke Leonardsen. Niels Due Jensen, tidligere CEO og søn af Grundfos’ grundlægger Poul Due Jensen, og hans datter Annette var også blandt gæsterne som hyldede vinderne.
Der åbnes igen for ansøgninger til foråret 2023.