The Grundfos Prize
Every year in November, the Grundfos Foundation invites Danish Universities to nominate rising research stars for the Grundfos Prize. Since 2018, the Foundation has targeted young researchers under the theme "The Stars of Tomorrow".

The Grundfos Prize was established by the Grundfos Foundation in 2001 with the purpose of promoting, acknowledging and supporting national and international research and solutions that are useful to society.

Target: rising stars

Since 2018, the Foundation has targeted young researchers under the theme “The Stars of Tomorrow”. The selection criteria are as follows:

  • Research area within technology or natural science
  • Significant research, recognized by peers, that breaks new ground
  • Research that creates, or lays the foundation for, societal change (such as contributing towards reaching one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals)

The Grundfos Prize consists of the sculpture “Be-Think-Innovate” by artist Flemming Brylle and a cash payment of DKK 1 million, of which DKK 250,000 goes directly to the recipient of the prize, whilst the remaining DKK 750,000 is allocated to further research in the field.

Nomination of candidates

The nomination must consist of a letter of recommendation (maximum 3 to 4 pages) as well as a brief CV which must include the nominee’s ORCID, calculation of net PhD age, a publication list, and (if relevant) a list of patent applications and patents. Please send it to no later than 1 May 2024.

Age limit: Eligible candidates must fulfil the two criteria below:

  1. The candidate must be born after 6 November 1974
  2. The net PhD age of the candidate must be below 13.0 years (or 156 months)*

* Calculation of PhD age:

Instruction Example
Date of award of PhD degree 6 November 2011
Time from award of PhD to 10 November 2023. This is the gross PhD age. 6 November 2011 > 6 November 2024 = 13.0 years = 156 months
Sum of parental leave (as stated in CV) 24 months
Multiply this by two and subtract from gross PhD age 156 months – (24 months*2) = 108 months
Sum of other longer leave periods (sick leave, care of relatives) as stated in CV 2 months
Subtract from gross PhD age minus parental leave. This is the net PhD age 108 months- 2 months = 106 months
Net PhD age 106 months = 8,8 years

2024 Grundfos Prize Jury

– Flemming Konradsen, Chairman, Poul Due Jensen Foundation
– Per Halkjær Nielsen, Professor, Aalborg University
– Susanne Bødker, Professor, Aarhus University
– Ole Sigmund, Professor, Technical University of Denmark

The winner will be notified directly in July. In the event that the Committee fails to identify a qualified candidate, the prize will not be awarded.

The winner is publicly revealed in connection with the Grundfos Prize Ceremony.