Still today, the values and ambitions of Poul Due Jensen are alive in the values of the Grundfos Group. This is a heritage which he secured by establishing the Grundfos Foundation as the main owner of Grundfos.

Poul Due Jensen was born on 19 May 1912 in a poorhouse in Sahl outside Bjerringbro as the son of the administrator couple. His close contact with the most disadvantaged members of society instilled in him values such as social responsibility and humanity already in early childhood. Poul Due Jensen lost his mother and older brother at a very young age. At the age of 14, he moved away from home and began his apprenticeship at Svendsen’s Machine Factory in Bjerringbro. Here he developed his skills as a fine toolmaker.

After finishing his apprenticeship, he still wanted to learn more, but he only managed to do one year of engineering studies. Poul had lost his father at the age of 17, and the funding had run out, so he returned to Svendsen’s Machine Factory and started his career.

Poul Due Jensen – One of a kind 1 from Grundfos Foundation | PDJF on Vimeo. Find all four chapters here: Poul Due Jensen – one of a kind (playlist)

In 1944, Poul Due Jensen founded his blacksmith shop, which today has become the global pump manufacturer, Grundfos. He was a great mathematical and technical mind, constantly seeking to design and produce better and more innovative products and solutions for the benefit of customers, employees and society.

"When my father started this blacksmith shop in 1944, he didn't know that his future would be all about pumps."
former Foundation Chairman Niels Due Jensen

Grundfos’ corporate movie, ‘A Pump’, tells the story of the company’s technological innovations as well as its will and ability to connect with the outside world in a sustainable way.

A PUMP: Grundfos Corporate Movie from Grundfos Foundation | PDJF on Vimeo.