The Poul Due Jensen Foundation’s philanthropic activities are divided into three strategic areas: Water, Research, and Inclusion.

According to its charter, the Foundation may make donations to general non-political, scientific, humanitarian, business, environmental and social causes. Based on our philanthropic strategy, we pro-actively seek out partners to collaborate with.

"Based on our philanthropic strategy, we pro-actively seek out partners to collaborate with."

Water and Sustainable Development

In collaboration with experienced international NGOs’ the Foundation strives to provide access to drinking water for the world’s poorest in rural communities and forgotten refugee camps. We insist that projects and programmes are environmentally, socially and financially sustainable. The Foundation therefore stays committed until we are convinced that each water project can ensure operation and maintenance in the long run. We also fund global initiatives to advance sustainable development.

More about Water

Research and Learning

In collaboration with selected universities, the Foundation wants to build and strengthen research environments within selected technical research disciplines and natural science. We also support activities in primary and secondary schools that boost curiosity and interest in science and technology among children and youth. Each year, the Foundation grants the Grundfos Prize to a young researcher.

More about Research

Inclusion and Community Engagement

The Foundation works to promote inclusion of vulnerable people in the labour market and in communities. We support projects that improve people’s ability to and possibility of finding their path in society, earn a living and improve their quality of life. We want to see social responsibility come alive in companies and organisations, both locally in Denmark and globally via the Poul Due Jensen Community Engagement Grant.

More about Inclusion

Global Citizenship

Our founder strongly believed in his company as a driver of progress and development. This is why we strengthen the Grundfos culture and promote the Grundfos values among the employees and companies in the Grundfos Group through the Community Engagement Grant and a number of Grundfos People Awards.

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