10. Jun. 2020
Aalborg University (AAU)'s Smart Water Infrastructure Lab (Swift) has received a new grant from the Foundation to support research leading to robust design and optimized water infrastructure solutions, including development of new technologies to secure infrastructures.

Smart Water Infrastructure Lab is a world-class water infrastructure laboratory, creating a platform for even better research within its area and rethinking the interfaces between automation and data through models and algorithms.

"With this new grant, we can add a practical dimension to our theoretical models"

Smart Water Infrastructure Lab from Grundfos Foundation | PDJF on Vimeo.

The new project adds a socio-technical layer thourgh collaborating with anthropologists who will contribute with their expertise in optimizing the water systems to match the expectations from professionals and users/consumers of the water supply systems.

"Creating intelligent systems is not enough. It has to be easy to manage and adjust the system."
Professor Rafal Wisniewski, AAU

About the project

The Foundation supports the new project with DKK 13 million until 2024.


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