Fast disaster response
In the wake of a natural disaster, the Foundation can quickly reach out via our partners to help the victims with emergency safe water supplies. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the Foundation has expanded its donations to emergencies.

The Poul Due Jensen Foundation keeps a reserve for disaster relief in the shape of temporary safe water supplies and other provisions, allowing our partners to approach us through a fast-track procedure in case of an emergency. The Foundation is not strict on long-term sustainability considerations – it is simply a matter of life and death to have access to safe drinking water in the wake of a disaster. Due to COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine, the Foundation has expanded its donations to emergencies.

^Photo: © UNICEF/Bashir. The Foundation has supported UNICEF’s disaster relief fund with DKK 1.1 million annually from 2020-2022, hereby contributing to providing drinking water for over 1 million people, including flood victims in Pakistan.


  • DKK 5 million | UNICEF disaster response pool. Find out more
  • DKK 4 million | Four organizations providing emergency assistance to victims of the earthquakes striking Turkey and Syria each receive 1 million DKK. Find out more


  • DKK 20 million | Ukraine refugee crisis: 3 x 5m DKK to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), DRC Danish Refugee Council, and Danmarks Idrætsforbund (DIF) and 5m DKK for local emergency relief via the Community Engagement Grant. Find out more 
  • DKK 5 milllion | Ukraine reconstruction: Contribution to purchase of entrepreneurial machines for reconstruction of water infrastructure etc. in war torn cities.
  • DKK 1 million | Winter kits for Pakistan: Donation to Oxfam to help people prepare for further challenging conditions that winter will bring. Find out more
  • DKK 1 million | Drought relief, Horn of Africa: Emergency groundwater investigations Dolo Addo region (Water Mission)


  • DKK 1 million | emergency water supplies for victims of earthquake in Western Sulawesi, Indonesia (partner: Water Mission)
  • DKK 1 million | for Charity Foundation of Nanyang City’s relief efforts after  record-breaking rainfall hit China’s Henan Province in July, causing severe flooding in many of the area, affecting over 1.9 million people
  • DKK 200,000 | to SOS NPO for Emergency response caused by fire in the Townships Bloekombos and Wallacedene, Cape Town, South Africa
  • DKK 250.000 | contribution for sending 92 Oxygenators to India | Find out more
  • DKK 500.000| for Plan International’s emergency relief in Ethiopia | Find out more
  • DKK 300.000 | for the NGO Water and Life after super typhoon Rai | Find out more



  • 12.25mDKK | Emergency relief funding to the ICRC (5m DKK), UNICEF (5m DKK) and Danish Red Cross (1.5m DKK). Additionally, the Foundation is sponsoring wastewater treatment units (750,000 DKK) in two hospitals in Hubei Province, China. More
  • 17.5m DKK | 15.7m DKK wil go to WASH-related activities, and 1.8m DKK to research. More
  • 9.2m DKK | Almost 9.2m DKK (1.3m USD) have been granted towards a number of projects that fight COVID-19 and its consequences. More
  • 0.9m DKK | Four local Grundfos outreach projects in India and the Philippines and a Danish healthcare research project looking into the use of ultrasound in lung screenings.
  • 2.4m DKK | Emergency relief funding for World Vision to prevent spread of COVID-19 in Ghana and Niger through sanitation and hygiene training and provision of WASH infrastructure.
  • 660,500 DKK | Emergency relief funding for the Human Needs Project, covering four months of free WASH services to 80,000 residents of the Kibera slum in Kenya’s capitol, Nairobi.

Part of the projects above are funded through a 20m DKK reserve for local outreach – the Poul Due Jensen Community Engagement Grant – boosting the Grundfos companies’ contribution to fighting COVID-19. More

Donations to help victims of natural disasters 2014-2019


  • DKK 250,000: Disaster relief for people living in the area of destruction after the Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas (partner: Water Mission)
  • 1 million DKK: Disaster relief for people living in the area of destruction after the Cyclone Idai in Malawi (partner: Water Mission)
  • 1 million DKK: Disaster relief for people living in the area of destruction after the Cyclone Idai in Mozambique (partner: PlanBørnefonden/Plan International)
  • 3.3 million DKK: Annual Contribution of DKK 1.1 million for three years to UNICEF’s disaster relief fund, E365 (part of a three-year partnership programme worth 3.3 m DKK in total).


  • 2 million DKK: emergency water supplies for 75,000 victims of earthquake/tsunami in rural areas near Palu, Indonesia (partner: Water Mission)


  • 1 million DKK: emergency water supplies for 24,000 Rohingya refugees at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh (partner: Oxfam)
  • 1 million DKK: emergency water supplies for families affected by flooding in Piura Region in Peru (partner: Practical Action)


  • 1 million DKK: emergency water supplies for 20,000 victims of Hurrican Matthew in Haiti (partner: Water Mission)


  • 1 million DKK: emergency water supplies for 10,000 victims of the Nepal earthquake (partner: Kirkens Nødhjelp)


  • 125,000 USD: emergency water supplies for health clinics and surrounding communities (~ 13,000 persons) affected by the Ebola outbreak in Liberia (partner: Water Mission)

The Poul Due Jensens Foundation normally reserves 5m DKK per year for immediate disaster relief aid.

All programmes

Together with our partners, we work in several developing countries to deliver safe water to the world's most vulnerable people.

Kenya Refugee Alliance


UNHCR, PlanBørnefonden

Project Flow



100 pumps for 100 villages


Sunlit Future

Water in Communications





Jysk Landsbyudvikling i Nepal, Oxfam GB

Water for Kigoma Region


UNICEF Denmark

Water and sanitation for Gambella (SunWASH)


PlanBørnefonden, Water Mission

Low Cost Sanitation and Water Model in Pakistan


Orangi Pilot Project Research and Training Institute

Water Safe Cities



Host communities in Western Tanzania


Water Mission

Water for pastoralist communities in Turkana


Practical Action

Southeast Asia Clean Water Initiative


Water Mission

Combating arsenic poisoning in Nepal


Oxfam GB

Kenya 23 – next level


Water Mission

Safe water and sanitation in Togo



Safe Water for Northern Burundi (closed)


Kirkens Nødhjelp (Norwegian Church Aid)

Safe water to Malawi (closed)


Practical Action

Nyarugusu Refugee Camp


Water Mission