Artificial intelligence, cyber security, big data, IoT, data intensive cyber physical systems, etcetera - the digitalization of our society is running at full speed with no end in sight. Aalborg University is future-proofing its high-profile research environment with a major grant from the Poul Due Jensen Foundation.

The Department of Computer Science in Aalborg is set out to expand with two new international professors, each with four full-time postdoc positions at their disposal, thanks to a grant from the Poul Due Jensen Foundation. The two professorships will fall under two separate research groups in the department.

Future-proofing and generation shift

The business community is hungry for university graduates in Computer Science, and this looks set to continue for a long time to come. Over the past ten years, the Department of Computer Science has had significant growth in the number of students, and with two new professorships, the university wants to both generally strengthen as well as future-proof the area.

Top researchers head the two research groups that will be home to the two new professorships. The high-profile researchers, Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen (distributed, embedded and intelligent systems) and Professor Christian Søndergaard Jensen (databases, programming and web), both have long CVs and have achieved many significant results, and they are also the two most cited computer scientists in Denmark. Kim Guldstrand Larsen received the prestigeous Grundfos Prize from the Poul Due Jensen Foundation in 2016.

The digital future

Aalborg University (AAU) has distinguished itself with groundbreaking solutions for effective management and analysis of temporal, spatial, and multidimensional data in relation to e.g. transport and green energy, as well as with efficient and automated validation and optimization of software embedded in products, such as safety critical software in cars and intelligent traffic management systems.

Computer science is a very important area for AAU where they have always been on the forefront. Digitalization will undoubtedly be the biggest technological force for change in society in the coming decade. By strengthening the area, we ensure that AAU continues to deliver usable knowledge and graduates to business and to society.


The Poul Due Jensen Foundation has granted 17 million kroner, covering both employees up to 2023. AAU then takes over the full financing of the appointments, thus future-proofing the two professorships.

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