10. Aug. 2021
I samarbejde med en række NGO-partnere og Grundfos SafeWater er Fonden vært for en række spændende sessions på dette års World Water Week. Det globale vand-event foregår digitalt og er gratis at deltage i.

I 30 år har SIWI (Stockholm International Water Institute) arrangeret World Water Week. I dag er det verdens vigtigste forum for diskussion og vidensudveksling i kampen for at imødegå de globale vandudfordringer. World Water Week 2021 foregår digitalt fra den 23-27 august, og ud over at være en af hovedsponsorerne for begivenheden og et særligt communications accelerator programme vil Fonden også selv være til stede som vært for 6 sessions i tæt samarbejde med en række vandpartnere.

Promo banner World water week 2021

Besøg Fondens EXPO stand på World Water Week her (kun for registrerede deltagere).

6 sessions organiseret af Fonden og partnere

Fonden opskalerer sin tilstedeværelse på World Water Week med det formål at bidrage til at løse de globale vandudfordringer gennem vidensdeling, netværk og erfaringsudveksling. Nedenfor kan du finde en liste over sessions arrangeret af Fonden, men du kan finde mange flere spændende sessions i programmet. World Water Week foregår primært på engelsk, men der vil være tolkning på en række sessions.

Videooptagelse Beskrivelse
Mandag 23. august, 11:00-12:00

When Water Isn’t Free: Sustainable WASH Systems in Nepal – interactive session
In Nepal’s Terai Lowlands, Oxfam and the Grundfos Foundation are exploring new approaches to building financially sustainable WASH systems. Meet the partners for a discussion of what it takes to build a successful public-private partnership and apply systems change approaches in real-world programming.

Tirsdag 24. august, 10:00-11:00

Scaling Up Climate-Resilient Farming Through Solar Technology – interactive session

This panel will bring together donors, development professionals, government and business to discuss how solar-powered irrigation solutions can create climate-resilient farming using solar technology in the global south. This will include further discussions around the barriers to taking existing models to scale and how to overcome them.

Tirsdag 24. august, 18:00-19:00

How film can help bring about change – panel
A look at INTO DUST, the latest film from Oscar-winning director Orlando von Einsiedel, which looks at the dangers of what can happen when our water runs out. The panel will examine how film can be a tool to raise awareness of water insecurity, good governance, sustainable practices and the power of partnership and collaboration.

Onsdag 25. august, 13:00-14:00

Refugee Communities | Water Inside and Outside the Camp – interactive session
This interactive session will share the complex relationship of water supply inside and outside refugee settlements and how national and international stakeholders are approaching these dynamics through holistic development, appropriate technology, and behaviour change strategies. Partners will share learnings from a Grundfos Foundation/Water Mission project in Western Tanzania and bring them into the context of a new partnership including Plan International in Western Ethiopia.

Torsdag 26. august, 11:30-11:55

20 litres per person per day – lecture
To get the full benefit of access to clean water, a person needs around/minimum 20 liters high quality water per day. Not only for drinking and cooking purposes, but also for personal hygiene. In this TED-talk style lecture featuring Professor in Global Health Flemming Konradsen, University of Copenhagen, and Dr. Gifty Sunkwa-Mills, Municipal Director of Health, Ghana Health Service, we will connect human health, water, sanitation and hygiene, emphasizing various types of interventions with the biggest potential for impact.

Fredag 27. august, 13:00-14:25

20 litres per person per day – super interactive session
20 litres is the default quantity we try to dimension community water systems for, but data from a number of projects shows that consumption is significantly lower. In this session, we therefore invite community development specialists and WASH programme managers to discuss what it takes to bring sustainable WASH practices to a community.

"At World Water Week 2021, the Communication and Behaviour Change Accelerator will highlight the need for clearer and more comprehensive messages about water that create lasting change. Whether you are a blogger, influencer or researcher, a small business, communications agency, or journalist, you are invited to join. Together, we will learn how to stir the debate and foster behaviour that enables more climate-friendly action – by talking about water."

Læs mere her: Why water is so hard to talk about – World Water Week blog

Vand og bæredygtig udvikling

I samarbejde med en række NGO-partnere arbejder Fonden for at sikre bedre adgang til rent vand for verdens fattigste.